Election 2020
Del Norte Republicans
· February 02, 2020 10:08 PM
Title: Facility repair, construction and modernization at public Preschools, K-12 schools, Community Colleges, Universities
This is NOT nor will this affect Proposition 13 of 1978.
This is a *NEW* SCHOOL BOND for $15 Billion
- $9B for K-12 Public Schools
- $6B for Community College, CSU, UC
$11B in interest (75% of borrowed value!)
Taxpayers pay back:
- $26B = $15B principle + $11B interest (Taxpayers will pay back $740M each year for 35 yrs)
- Our children and grandchildren will be paying this debt!
Hidden provision in this bill.
Allows school districts to double the amount of money they can borrow.
When schools apply for this bond money, they must also provide matching funds
Schools typically raise their local share by Issuing Local Bonds.
Schools also raise local funds from Developer Fees.
When schools issue bonds, the debt is repaid exclusively by PROPERTY TAXES.
- Property taxes are not paid only by property owners but also by renters and all taxpayers.
Past “Voter approved Bonds”:
From 1998 - 2016, voters approved 5 education facility bond measures.
A total of $53 Billion in state bond funding
In 2016, voters approved $9 Billion. Where is that money?
The State has $21B in reserves
- Let’s focus on long term, well–thought out solutions to help our children and grandchildren succeed!