Our vision
for Del Norte County is a charming place to live that is economically self-sufficient and growing in size, industrious, culturally integrated, lawful, educated, employed, friendly, and spiritual. We want to wake up every morning feeling edified by our existence here and our relationships with others. We need to know our health-care needs can be met and that our commercial airport and harbor are the best they can possibly be. We must be able to use our three evacuation routes and airport during serious emergencies. We have to be able to trust our public administrators. Above all, we Del Norters hope to live life to the fullest, enjoy privacy when we feel so inclined, participate where our abilities might be needed, and flourish in a spectacular environment that is free from pollutants. Above all, our residents and visitors deserve timely, fair, and competent police protection.
Working in concert as responsible public units, business communities, and volunteers, we can achieve this vision together.
Our Mission
- To encourage Republicans of good character and competence to seek public office at all levels in Del Norte County.
- To support all Republican nominees for partisan office and to contribute funds (if possible), leadership, manpower, and experience to their election campaigns.
- To build and maintain countywide precinct and campaign organizations, and to provide a central committee headquarters for the campaign committees of all endorsed Republican nominees for public office.
- To provide information necessary to help inform the general public about the Republican Party in general, the positions of the Party, and its candidates at the county, state, and national levels.
- To broaden the scope of the Republican Party’s participation in Del Norte County.
- To grow Republican participation in the political process throughout the community, to register Republican voters, and to increase Republican turnout in elections.